Residents & Medical Students


The Mississippi Society of Anesthesiologists – Resident Component (MSA-RC) provides an opportunity for resident physicians currently in training and medical students interested in the medical practice of anesthesiology to become involved in our state specialty society.  Our goal is to make the benefits of services provided by quality physician anesthesiologists available to all patients.  We aim to generate awareness of the contributions made by physician anesthesiologists in advancing patient care and safety.  Through working with the Mississippi Society of Anesthesiologists and the American Society of Anesthesiologists, we strive to maintain and elevate the standards of the medical specialty by fostering and encouraging research and scientific progress in the field.

Every year, the Anesthesiology Resident Physicians at the University of Mississippi Medical Center elect a MSA-RC Chair-Elect and Secretary.  The Chair-Elect subsequently serves as the Chair of the MSA-RC in the second year of the two-year term.  The Chair serves as the Delegate from the State of Mississippi to the American Society of Anesthesiologists Resident Component House of Delegates at the annual national conference, while the Chair-Elect serves as the Alternate-Delegate to this same meeting.

Medical Students

UMMC Anesthesiology Interest Group (AIG)