During the hybrid in-person and virtual annual WVSA meeting at The Greenbrier on September 30, 2023 new officers were elected and are as follows:
President: Ken Nanners, MD
President-Elect: Lori Conklin, MD
Past-President: Amanda Deskins, DO, MBA, FASA
Secretary/Treasurer: Claire Bentley, MD
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: Bob Johnstone, MD, FASA
ASA Delegates: Matt Delph, MD and Pavi Ellison, MD, MMM, FASA
ASA Alternate Delegates: Jessica Varga, DO and Brian Grose, MD
ASA Resident Delegate: Audra Parrett, DO
ASA Director: Matt Ellison, MD, MMM, FASE
ASA Alternate Director: Lori Conklin, MD
Legislative Liaisons: Jessica Varga, DO and Benton Nanners, MD (resident)
WVSPAC Chairman: Matt Delph, MD
WVSPAC Treasurer: Bob Johnstone, MD, FASA
**Please feel free to reach out to any of the officers for questions or needs across the state.**