Nominations & Elections

Nominations & Elections

Duties of Officers

Section 3.06.In addition to the rights and duties provided elsewhere in this Constitution and Bylaws or as such custom or parliamentary usage may require, the officers shall have the rights and duties respectively assigned to them in the succeeding sections of this article. The officers of this Society are charged and entrusted as follows:

Section 3.06-1. President.The President shall be the duty of the President to represent the Society, administer the affairs of the Society according to the Bylaws. seek counsel with members toward the best interests of the public and this Society, to attempt to further the aims and the activities of this Society to the fullest extent; and to perform such other services as custom, necessity and parliamentary usage require. The President shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee. He or she shall appoint any committees and shall serve as an ex-officio member, may preside and officiate at all major functions of the annual meeting and shall deliver an annual address.

Section 3.06-2. Vice President.The Vice President shall familiarize himself or herself with the duties of the President; issues of the Society in general; and shall be ready to counsel with the President on matters affecting the future of this Society; fill in representing the Society in the president’s absence.

Section 3.06-3. Treasurer.The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all monies, securities and valuable papers of this Society in such amount as the executive committee may require, pay all authorized obligations of this Society;  keep a detailed account of all receipts and disbursements; make an annual report to the Society concerning the financial transactions for the preceding fiscal year; make other reports as may be requested by the Executive committee; maintain an account of all dues received or due to the Society, including bequests and donations.

Section 3.06 4. Secretary.The Secretary shall serve as the official correspondent of this Society; make investigations and recommendations concerning applicants to the Society; maintain minutes of executive committee and annual meeting minutes; Maintain a current roster of all members and officers of this Society by category of membership; report changes in the roster as requested by the ASA; shall perform such other duties as are placed by these Bylaws and by the Bylaws of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.; forward to the executive office of the ASA a list of all authorized delegates and alternate delegates representing this society within two months of the ASA annual meeting; annually forward a copy of the bylaws to the ASA by January 15th.


Section 3.07.If for any reason an officer becomes unable or unwilling to perform the functions of his or her office, or moves from the jurisdiction of the constituent area which elected him or her to office, such office shall be declared vacant by the President. Vacancies in office shall be filled in the following manner:

Section 3.07-1. President.Vice President shall immediately assume office.

Section 3.07-2. Vice President.This shall be filled by the Treasurer who will serve to finish this term and the term for which he or she was elected.

Section 3.07-3 Secretary.The Secretary shall maintain assumption of these duties. During the next annual meeting members shall vote to appoint a new secretary.


Section 3.08.Any Officer, Delegate or other official of this Society may be impeached and removed from office upon the recommendation of the Executive committee and subsequent confirmation by a two-thirds two thirds majority in attendance at an annual meeting or special session called by the executive committee.

Section 3.08-1. Charges and Hearing.All charges of impeachment shall be directed to the Executive committee, shall be made in writing, and shall be signed by at least ten Active members who thereby agree to substantiate with means of proof. If the Executive committee, after a diligent and careful investigation, finds just and sufficient cause for removal of a particular Officer or Delegate, it shall present its findings and recommendations at an annual meeting or special session and shall give the accused written notice of its findings and recommendations at least fifteen days prior to that that meeting. The members of the in attendance shall then permit the accused to present evidence and witnesses in his or her behalf, and thereafter shall take final action.



Section 4.01.The Director and Alternate Director to The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., Executive committee shall be active members of this Society in good standing for at least five years immediately prior to their election.


strong>Section 4.02. The Director and Alternate Director to The American Society of Anesthesiologists Inc., shall be elected in accordance with the Bylaws of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Terms of Office

Section 4.03.The terms of office of the Director and Alternate Director to The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., shall be for three years and shall commence at the close of the Meeting of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. House of Delegates following their election.

Powers and Duties

Section 4.04.The Director shall serve on the Executive committee of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., as a representative of this Society and shall report to this Society the actions taken and the recommendations made by the Executive committee of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.


Section 4.05. Director.When a vacancy occurs in the office of the Director to The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., the Alternate Director shall immediately assume the office for the remainder of the term.

Section 4.05-1. Alternate Director.When a vacancy occurs in the office of the Alternate Director to The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., the Executive committee shall, by election, at their next meeting, fill the vacancy until the next Meeting of The Rhode Island Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., at which time a successor shall be elected for the remainder of the term.



Section 5.01.The Delegates and Alternate Delegates to The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.. from The Rhode Island Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., shall have been voting members of this Society in good standing for at least five years immediately prior to their election.


Section 5.02.The number of Delegates and Alternate Delegates elected by this Society to The American Society of Anesthesiologists. Inc., shall be established in the manner provided by the Bylaws of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.


Section 5.03.The president shall solicit members who are interested in these positions and present them for a vote at the annual meeting.

Terms of Office

Section 5.04.Delegates shall serve for three years and Alternate Delegates shall serve for one year. Their terms of office shall commence at the end of The Rhode Island Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting.


Section 5.05.Delegates from this Society are charged with the responsibility of attending each meeting of the House of Delegates of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., and all related meetings of the New England Delegation, or of otherwise making certain that this Society is represented therein. A Delegate who fails in this responsibility either by not attending without sufficient cause or who fails to notify his or her Alternate or the Secretary of the Society of his or her possible or impending absence in reasonable time shall immediately forfeit the right to hold this office nor be eligible for election during the ensuing five years.

Delegates and Alternates shall, whenever possible, counsel with the Executive committee of this Society on all matters pending in the House of Delegates of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., in the interest of making certain that the action taken therein is in accord with the desires of this Society.


Section 5.06.In the event a Delegate is unable to attend a meeting or session of the House of Delegates of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., any elected alternate officer shall be eligible to serve in his or her place during that meeting, as provided in the Bylaws of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.


Section 5.07.When a vacancy occurs in the office of Delegate to The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., the President of The Rhode Island Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., shall fill the vacancy with the Alternate Delegate until the next Meeting, at which time a successor shall be elected for the un expired term.