NJAPAC Purpose
The goal of the NJAPAC is to support the medical practice of Anesthesiology and the Anesthesiology profession in the State of New Jersey. The NJAPAC will support the nomination and election and reelection of candidates to New Jersey state offices whose philosophy is consistent with the mission, goals and objectives of Anesthesiologists in New Jersey.
NJAPAC funds will be used to those seeking office and holding office who recognize Anesthesiology as the Practice of Medicine, and support the prime objective of New Jersey anesthesiologist and that is Patient Safety and equal quality care to all no matter race, color, religion or financial ability to pay. Nevertheless, PAC funds will be used to correct the injustice in anesthesia reimbursement exemplified by the Medicaid anesthesia fees, the lowest in the nation.
NJAPAC Fundraising
Since 1997 there have been several active fund drives with many groups and individuals contributing $1000 per person. Unsolicited contributions between fund drives were common.
Rules on Contributing to the NJAPAC:
- Contributions are not tax deductible. There is no limit as to what an individual can contribute to a PAC. PAC laws differ from State to State.
- An individual can contribute directly to a Candidate but it cannot exceed $5,200 per election cycle.
- An election cycle is both the primary and general elections.
- A Professional Corporation of Anesthesiologists can contribute $14,400 to a PAC.
- A PAC is limited to $16,400 per candidate per election cycle
- Quarterly reports are made to the Election Law Enforcement Commission in which all contributions received over $300 are listed as well as all contributions to candidates.
Background of PACs
“PAC” is a term for a political organization established for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect or defeat candidates. Although most PACs represent business, labor or ideological interests, more and more branches of Medicine have created PACs in order to bring to the political arena their viewpoints and special interests and remain within the law. The rise of Managed Health Care, Medicare and Medicaid policies and the widening scope of practice issues has resulted in physicians entering the political mainstream by voicing their support or protests through the financial power of PACs.
Labor unions formed PACs in the 1940s to support Franklin D. Roosevelt. Corporations were barred from doing so until the FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN ACT of 1971 (FECA). FECA changed the way political money is raised and resulted in an enormous increase in the number of PACs and the amount of money spent during elections.
You may make a contribution to the NJAPAC at any time.
Checks should be made out to the New Jersey Anesthesia PAC and mailed to:
New Jersey Anesthesia PAC
150 West State Street, Suite 110
Trenton, NJ, 08608
Or scan the QR code to contribute today.
Thank you for your support!
Shivam Mital, MD, FASA
NJAPAC Chairman