NAME: This Society is known as the District of Columbia Society of Anesthesiologists Inc. (DCSA)
PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this society to
1. Advocate the interests of Anesthesiologists in the District of Columbia
2. Inform and educate the public regarding the role of anesthesiologist and the field of anesthesia
3. Foster and encourage research, education, and scientific progress in anesthesiology
This society is a component of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., and as such, its acts conform to the purpose, and principles of the latter society.
Chapter II
Membership in this society is a privilege and not a right, and is contingent upon compliance with the requirements specified in these Bylaws. No person is accepted or continued as a member of this society unless he/she is of good moral character and adheres to the traditionally high ethical standards of the medical profession. The provisions of these Bylaws regarding membership are subject to revision as required to conform to the Bylaws of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
The categories of membership in this society are:
Physicians or other scientists who have attained exceptional eminence in Anesthesiology or related fields, or who have made significant contributions in Anesthesiology.
Nomination for Honorary membership should be submitted to the executive board. Following recommendation by the executive board, a 2/3 vote of quorum is necessary for election.
A physician who is engaged in the practice of the medical specialty of anesthesiology, or its related fields, AND has a degree of Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy.
Each active member of this component society shall be an active member of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc
A Physician who is not in the clinical practice of anesthesiology; who contributes to the advancement and progress of anesthesiology or its related fields, OR is in the service of the United States Government, OR a non-physician member of other allied sciences who is interested in anesthesiology. This membership category includes anesthesiologists who reside outside the United States.
Each affiliate member of this component society shall be an affiliate member of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
A physician member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., who been a member for at least 20 years, and has retired from professional activity or reached the age of 70 years and has retired from the practice of Anesthesiology.A physician who is in full-time training in and is either specializing in anesthesiology or has a special interest in anesthesiology. The membership in this category shall be for the term of the appointment in the training program
A provider of anesthesia who is not a physician. An educational member of this society should also be an educational member of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
A medical student in an Accreditation consul for graduate medical education (ACGME) approved medical school, Anesthesia assistant students, and Student registered nurse anesthetists who are educational student membership of the American Society of Anesthesiologist, Inc
A lifetime member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
Other limited membership categories maybe created by a 2/3 vote of The Executive Board
Membership categories of this society are subject to change in order to comply with membership guidelines of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA).
Rights and Privileges:
Full Privileges:
Only active members are eligible for election to office and have the right to vote
Limited Privileges
Non-Active members shall be entitled to participate in the functions and activities of this society, including membership in the committees at the discretion of the President, but shall not be eligible for election to office nor have the right to vote, except at the meetings of the committees on which they serve
Censure, Suspension, and Expulsion
A member of the society may be censured, suspended or expelled for good cause, including but not limited to the following:
a. Expulsion from The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. or from its component societies
b. Revocation or suspension of a member’s license to practice medicine by a regulatory authority
c. Conviction in a court of law of a felony or an offense involving moral ineptitude
d. Any cause or act which is detrimental to this society
e. Failure to abide by the provisions of these Bylaws
f. Impeachment
The executive board will form a judicial committee that will investigate and hear the case and will:
a. Set forth the matter in question with particularity, so the member will be cognizant of the questions to be inquired into.
b. Afford the member the opportunity to be heard, and inform the member of his/her right to legal consul
c. Inform the member of the date, time, and place of the hearing by registered mail at least thirty days in advance.
Should the involved member fail to appear at the hearing, the committee will make a decision only on the available evidence.
A written report of the findings and recommendations for action will be sent to the involved member and the executive board.
A 2/3 vote of the executive board is required for any action. The decision of the executive board is final. Any board member with a conflict of interest will be excluded from the decision making process.
Amount of Annual Assessment
The executive board will determine the annual assessment of the various membership categories on a yearly basis and will inform the members of any change prior to renewal date.
Annual assessments that have been paid are not refunded.
Chapter III
Component Society officers
A call for nominations is sent to all voting members at least 3 months prior to the annual meeting. Members may self nominate or be nominated by a voting member. The Secretary of this Society informs all voting members of the nominated candidates at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. For those members who wish to vote but who cannot vote in person, accommodations will be made for casting a secret ballet via the last-known address of the voting member . Voting may also be conducted by a secret ballot at the annual meeting for those voting members who did not vote by other means. Ballots are counted by a committee of 3 voting members of this Society appointed by the President. The secretary shall certify the election results.
Only active members in good standing for at least two years are eligible for election as an officer
No member may be re-elected to the office of President of the Society until at least three years after expiration of term of office as President
The officers of this society are as follows:
President, President-elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer
All officers must remain in good standing for the duration of their term
The terms of office is from November 1str to October 31 for 2 consecutive years
Duties of the Officers:
Acts as the presiding officer of the Executive Board, except as otherwise provided in these bylaws
Acts as the chief administer of the affairs of this society.
Strives to achieve the goals of the society.
In consultation with the executive board, establish and appoints committees as necessary to carry out the goals of the society
Serves as ex officio member of all committees of this society
Delivers a report at the Annual Meeting highlighting the goals and accomplishment of the society
Assists the president in achieving the goals of the society
Counsels with the president on matters affecting the society
Assists the president in achieving the goals of the society
Presides at the meetings in the absence of the President
In case the president is unable or unwilling to carry out the duties of Presidency, is removed from the office, or has relocated to another jurisdiction, assumes the role of the Presidency for the remainder of the sitting president’s term of office
Serves as the official correspondent of this society with the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. regarding the status of members and officers of this society
Maintains a current roster of members of this society, classified according to categories of membership
Requests prompt notification of residency directors in the District of Columbia regarding training status of each trainee in their program.
At the conclusion of training, notify each trainee, of a change of membership status
Certify all applicants who have been accepted for membership. Serves as corporate secretary in so far as execution of official documents or institution of official action may require
Certifies election results.
Serves as recording secretary of the Executive Board of this society
Update the American Society of Anesthesiologists with a copy of the current bylaws and any changes to it by the deadline established by the parent society.
Acts as the official custodian of all moneys, securities, and valuable papers of this society
Responsible for a detailed accounting of all receipts and disbursements of this society
Develops an annual Budget plan
Submits to the executive board an annual report of the Income statement and Balance sheet of the society
The vice-president immediately assumes the office of presidency. All other positions are to be filled by special election.
This society holds an Annual Meeting at such time and place as fixed by the Executive Board.
The annual meeting should include at least one business meeting of the general membership for all announcements of new officers, receipt of reports from the officers, committees, and other officials, and for transaction of other business affairs of this society
Active members attending such meetings shall constitute a quorum. Those who do not attend impliedly assent that those who do should by a majority vote transact the business of the meeting on their behalf
Special meeting of this society may be called by the society president with the approval of the executive board
The Delegates and Alternate Delegates of the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiology, Inc., to which this society is entitled, are elected by this society in the same manner as provided by the Bylaws for the election of officers of this society and in keeping with the eligibility conditions as required of the other officers of this society.
Terms of office for Delegates is for 3 years, commencing on November 1, following election
Terms of office for Alternate Delegates is 1 year commencing on November 1, following election
Each delegate and alternate is expected to attend the House of Delegates meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., and are charged and entrusted to make decisions that are in the best interest of this society.
The secretary of this society needs to be notified sufficiently in advance, as determined by the executive board, if a delegate is unable to attend the meetings of the House of Delegates. Otherwise the office is declared vacant and the elected officer will be ineligible to hold another office in this society for the ensuing 3 years. In the absence of a delegate, the alternative delegate assumes the full responsibilities of that delegate.
The delegates are expected to present an annual report to the executive board regarding the decisions of the House of Delegates.
The alternate director is automatically appointed as one of the delegates.
Director and alternate Director
The Director and Alternate Director of the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiology, Inc., to which this society is entitled, are elected by this society in the same manner as provided by the Bylaws for the election of officers of this society and in keeping with the eligibility conditions as required of the other officers of this society.
Terms of office for both offices is for 3 years, commencing on the end of the Wednesday session of the House of Delegates following election
Each Director and alternate is expected to attend the meeting of the House of Delegates, and the Board of Directors meetings of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., and are charged and entrusted to make decisions that are in the best interest of this society.
The secretary of this society needs to be notified sufficiently in advance, as determined by the executive board, if a director is unable to attend the expected meetings. Otherwise the office is declared vacant and the elected officer will be ineligible to hold another office in this society for the ensuing 3 years. In the absence of a director, the alternative director assumes the full responsibilities of that director.
The directors are expected to present an annual report to the executive board regarding the decisions of the Board of Directors
Present an annual report to the Executive Board
Perform such other duties as are provided in the Bylaws of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Inc.
Executive Board of Society
The executive Board of this society is composed of the following: Director, Alternate Director, President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Delegates, and Alternate Delegates to the House of Delegates of The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
The Executive Board manages the business and financial affairs of this society; and in the interim business meeting of the society may act upon matters which would otherwise require special meetings of the society.
General Powers and Duties
Except as provided otherwise in these Bylaws, the Executive Board is charged and entrusted as follows:
a. To acquire, manage, control, and dispose of its property and to authorize all contracts on behalf of this society
b. Enact, appoint, and empower special committees which may compose of non-executive members of this society
c. To make annual appropriations for the expenditures of this society
d. To inspect and audit any and all financial records of this society at any time and at least annually
e. To exercise such authority as prescribed for it in these Bylaws
f. Act in the usual and customary ways of the Board of Directors of a corporation in ways which is not in conflict with these Bylaws
The presence of the majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum in Executive Board meetings with each Executive member having one vote.
An executive Board meeting maybe called by the President, or at least 3 members of the Executive Board
Other Committees
Special committees of this society are composed of members of this society and appointed by the President except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws.
Terms of Office are for the duration of the President appointing them or until they are dissolved by the President, unless otherwise provided in these bylaws.
Funds of this society are derived from the following:
Annual Assessments
Special Assessments
Other Sources approved by the Executive Board
Funds may be expended by the executive board within limits of the annual budget approved by the executive board and in accordance with the authorizations and within the limitations provided in these Bylaws
Checks issued by this Society must bear the signature of the Treasurer of this Society
Any matter of question that may affect this Society may be referred to the Voting members of the Society for a general vote
Such questions are submitted to the voting members of this Society by one of the three following procedures:
a. The affirmative vote of 2/3 of this Society executive board
b. A written request signed 3 members of the executive board
c. A written request by 5 voting members of this Society
Voting Procedure
Voting on the question proceeds in the following manner:
The Secretary of this Society sends a ballot to the last-known address of each voting member by mail or electronically, and affords members to vote in secret
Voting is considered complete by the deadline set by the executive board, and may not be any sooner than 14 days after the date of mailing of the question of referendum
Ballots are counted by a committee of 3 voting members of this Society appointed by the President.
No question may be submitted to referendum which has been voted upon within the proceeding year by the Society, the Executive Board or by referendum
These bylaws may be amended only in the following manner:
The executive board may amend these Bylaws on affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of the entire Board, provided that such amendments has been presented to the Society at the Annual Meeting, has been presented to all voting members of this Society by Secretary at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting, and is approved by the majority of the seated voting members of the Society at the annual meeting
Emergency Action
These Bylaws may be amended at the Annual Meeting at which the amendment is first introduced, or at a Special Meeting of the Society called for that purpose, in the following instances:
If the amendment is approved by the vote of 3/4 of the seated voting members of the Society
If the amendment is recommended by 3/4 of the entire executive board and approved by the majority of the seated voting members of the Society